Descriptive Writing

Difficulties That Student Face In Writing Assignments With English As A Second Language

Writing is a significant skill in language production. Writing a second language is not an easy task for all the students. Writing an English assignment is a difficult task of the students. However, a student fails to write an impressive English assignment due to lack of writing skills. Students often fail to express their ideas in the assignments. Most students face many difficulties in writing an assignment with English as a second language.

Here are some difficulties that students face in writing an assignment with English as a second language.

  • Writing An Assignment In The Passive Voice

It is very difficult to assignment writing service in the active voice. Using passive voice degrades the value of your assignment. Students are often advised to make use of active voice. A passive voice generally contains “to be “along with past participants. The more you read, the more you know the concepts. It will help you to understand the method of supporting a particular point. Moreover, you can learn how to balance an assignment.

  • Lack Of Vocabulary

Another difficulty that students face in writing an assignment is the lack of English vocabulary. Vocabulary plays an important role in enhancing any writer’s piece of work. A person with the vocabulary can write a good assignment. Moreover, the use of more vocabulary displays your brainpower.

  • Students Do Not Read A Lot Of English Assignments

It is sure that a good reader can become a good writer. Therefore, in order to write an effective assignment, you first need to read many assignments. The more you read, the more you identify the concepts. It will help you to understand the method of supporting a particular point. Moreover, you can learn how to balance an assignment.

  • Grammatical Mistakes

Another most important thing that students face in writing an assignment with English as a second language is the grammatical mistakes. Grammar is very important, because, it improves the quality of your English writing. Grammar decides the quality of your assignment. You should improve your grammar to write an impressive assignment. You should learn grammar to avoid any mistake.

  • Students Do Not Use Accurate Tenses

Another difficulty that students face in writing English assignments is the use of inappropriate tenses. Always use the suitable tense and keep in mind to use punctuation.

  • Limited Learning Environment

The students are in the limited learning environment. Therefore, they face difficulties in writing English assignments. Reading in English is useful in many ways. It is a great way to get an idea of different styles of writing and see how to use words appropriately. You should read regularly to improve your English.

  • Students Depend On The Teachers

The students depend on the teachers in writing an English assignment. Do not use advanced words in your assignment. Keep it as simple as possible. You should write to the point and simple words in your assignment. You should proofread your assignment. It will help you in deciding what to exclude. You should remove unnecessary words in your assignment.

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